
Monthly Archives: March 2012

Day 89 of 365+1: a picture a day for a year.

Week two of my pottery class.

The picture that I am choosing for my pic of the day is something I am really proud of. I learned how to make a pincher pitcher in pottery class. I wanted a pitcher instead of a vase because it can be used for creamer, gravy or a vase- triple threat. I stayed a little later so the teacher could show me how to make one side higher than the other and then pinch the clay to make the spout. I can’t wait to learn how to put a handle on it next week.

But wait, there’s more!!!!!

A dip bowl!!!

Coffee mug for my hubs.

The three in the front are mine.

Last week, I was a little intimidated. This week I just relaxed and let the clay talk to me. I didn’t try to overwork it or fight it and I felt a lot better about my work. I’ll post pics of all my work when I get them back to glaze and fire.

Hope your day is lovely. It’s storming and flooding here in Houston so I am VERY thankful I left class before the weather poured in….

Until tomorrow–


Day 88 of 365+1: a picture a day for a year.

This picture was snapped while driving in the Galleria. These guys were dancing while promoting their cd. I took this picture in admiration because it looked like these guys were having an outburst of the soul. So much life here in Houston! I love how diverse and fun this city is.


Day 85 of 365+1: a picture a day for a year.

There is no better feeling than taking a hot shower after a day on the beach. I am so tired!

My hubby and I went to Galveston today with some very good friends that I have known for a decade!!! They also just happened to move here in Houston. Woooohoooo! Our gain! Here’s a pic of my friend Jason with his little girl. I remember my dad swinging me around as a child. So fun.

Was your day lovely? I hope so!

Alright sugar plums, I am off to bed. Much love,






It felt like I woke up with a hangover this morning. I had slept for twelve hours yet had a throbbing headache. Last night, I cried and cried and cried. It’s difficult to accept that my dog Cheyenne is very close to not being able to walk. I want to hang on to Cheyenne forever. The problem with attachment to any form is that goodbyes are inevitable. You can take apart a car or a television and put it back together. You can’t do that with anything that lives: a plant, an animal, a human. There is something undefinable in everything that lives- a spirit. A spirit can’t be touched or even defined. Saying goodbye to an object is one thing but where does a spirit go? These are the thoughts that run through my mind as I watch Cheyenne limp around in pain. I carry her everywhere I can now and give her as much food as she wants. My plan is to keep her alive as long as possible- to give her the respect and love that any patient deserves. She is walking a bit better today (probably because I carry her so much) and we appreciate everyone’s positive thoughts + prayers. I pray for the ability to accept the things that I do not understand.

I had the pleasure of babysitting my friend’s little girl today. She was mimicking her mother cleaning by dipping her blocks in a bucket of water. Look at that little tummy hanging over her pants! So cute.

Michelle is adorable and sweet. My picture of the day is of Michelle just celebrating another day to live, breathe, to enjoy the moments of this life we were given. Day 84 of 365+1: a picture a day for a year.

The more that I am around children, the stronger the urge to specialize in children’s photography. I feel connected to children when I photograph them. Perhaps it is when I see the world as children do.

Hope your day is lovely and bright. Wishing you happiness and love.


Day 83 of 365+1: a picture a day for a year.

Cheyenne (famously known as Dingo) can’t walk straight anymore. I feel terrible for her. When I initially noticed her limp, I took a video to show my cousin who is a vet tech (it’s WAY more efficient than verbally describing the limp). After replaying this video, my husband and I decided to go ahead and take Cheyenne to the emergency vet. Here is the video (I am admittedly not the best videographer):

At the emergency clinic, I laid down Chey’s doggie bed for comfort and sat next to her while my husband filled out paperwork:

Poor dingo.


On top of her cataracts, incontinence and Cushing’s disease, today we found out that Chey’s elbows (her shoulders are strangely normal) have degenerative joint disease and are now bone on bone. The vet said that Chey’s elbows were some of the worst he has seen. There’s really nothing to do but we aren’t going to put her down, just yet anyway.

I have many emotions that I am feeling now and I honestly don’t feel like much more that I type will be authentic because I am drained. Just please keep us in your positive thoughts and prayers and hopefully we will be rested and better tomorrow. Much love june bugs.
